Integration of Public Maps into an Independent Website

Dear Rationale Team, dear all,

Exploring the 'public map' feature, i get the impression that public maps are visible only to those logged into a rationale account. Is that right?

I was hoping to publicise some maps of mine to the broad public via an independent website. But if having an account is necessary to view public maps, I guess that plan is not workable? Or, to put the question more generally, are there any ways to make Rationale maps available to an online audience that does not necessarily know or use Rationale themselves?

Many thanks! Marcus

by wolf3533
one year ago

Hi @wolf3533,

Sorry for my late reply, A "public" and also a "unlisted" map is accessible by everyone, even for people without a RationaleOnline account. You can share the map on your website by using the "Share URL" option, You can easily try this by copy the unique url of the map into another browser. You can even embed a small preview of the map by using the "Share PNG" option under the Share options. If they want to interact with the map in our editor they will need an RatonaleOnline account, this can be a free account.


Rob Segerink

by rob
one year ago

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